Predicting The Next 28 Movies Marvel Will Make Up To 2028

5. Black Panther (2026)

We've already seen an Easter Egg hint that Wakanda dos exist in this Marvel universe, so the natural extrapolation would be give the hero who lives there his own stand-alone movie. By this stage, Marvel will have the strong foundation needed to take risks (hence Ms Marvel and Black Panther appearing so close together in this run-down) and Black Panther is certainly one of the more rewarding possibilities. The plot - set in the past before any of the current MCU had kicked off - could follow Black Panther's arch-nemesis Klaw, who discovers that a meteorite made of Vibranium (the same source of Cap's shield of course) crashed on Wakanda, and his attempts to defeat T'Challa and steal the mineral. The Cameo: Steve Rogers in a flashback cameo, that confirms the comic books narrative thread that Rogers is not in fact dead, but rather trapped in time and space.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.