Predicting The Next 28 Movies Marvel Will Make Up To 2028

6. Ms Marvel (2026)

Another Avengers origin story, which could well come out to directly rival DC's stand-alone Wonder Woman film, if it ever gets off the ground. Like it or not, it's going to take a long time to get a stand-alone movie from Marvel that focuses on a female lead, but in Carol Danvers they have the answer to the question of why not. She balances appealing human characters - as a spy, pilot, and exceptional combatant - with superhuman abilities, and can more than hold her own as part of the Avengers, and on her own. The story could also establish a background for the Kree, who are responsible for her powers, in order to set up the final Avengers movie. The Cameo: Tony Stark inviting Ms Marvel to become an Avenger.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.