Predicting The Next 10 Billion Dollar Movies

1. Avengers 4

Spider Man Billion Dollar
Marvel Studios

Another year, another Avengers movie, another guaranteed billion-dollar hit. Avengers 4, which is still in need of a new title after losing the 'Infinity War: Part II' subtitle, lands in theaters just a year after its predecessor, and could really go either way in terms of box office success. Apart from the whole $1,000,000,000 thing.

If Infinity War is showered with critical praise, which it may very well be, then the chances of the fourth Avengers movie breaking box office records will only increase. On the flipside, if Infinity War suffers from having too many characters and ends up with negative reviews, then a sequel arriving only twelve months later is definitely going to take a commercial hit.

Perhaps the greatest threat to Avengers 4's chances of box office domination comes from some serious in-house competition, as Disney has Star Wars Episode IX set for release just three weeks later and Toy Story 4 the following month, both of which will be the next movies to join the billion dollar club. Either way, Avengers 4 is going to be huge. The real question is, how huge?


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