Predicting The Next 12 MCU Movies After Avengers 4

2. Ant-Man 3

Ant Man And The Wasp Poster
Marvel Studios

The second movie might not yet be out, but it makes a lot of sense that we'll see another Ant-Man movie in Phase 4 (and unless Michael Douglas gets his desire for a prequel, Paul Rudd should lead it again).


In terms of storyline, it's difficult to make too many predictions, but assuming that Ant-Man And The Wasp and Avengers 4 will focus on the Pym technology that allows inter-dimensional travel, it would make sense that we'll see more of that in a third movie.

We also still need a resolution to the Ten Rings terrorist group, who have played a part in both Iron Man and Ant-Man movies and still represent some pretty hefty unfinished business. If there's a way to combine both of those story focuses, that's probably where Ant-Man 3 should focus.


Beyond the assumption that Marvel will always try and make trilogies for their characters, Michael Pena actually let slip to IGN that there have been plans for a third movie already:

We talked about it on the first day. It's a whole different kind of club to be in, the Marvel Universe. I don’t know if they'll use me for the third movie, I still really don't know. It's cool to make a little bit of a mark on that Marvel Universe and it's kind of a cool club, they run a really cool studio.

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MCU Avengers 4
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