Predicting The Next 12 MCU Movies After Avengers 4

8. Black Widow

Black Widow
Marvel Studios

With two female-led MCU movies both coming in the wake of Infinity War (including the split title of Ant-Man's sequel), Marvel are already changing their approach to diversity and FINALLY, it looks like we're going to get a solo movie for Black Widow. Which is a long time coming to say the least.


It will be a prequel establishing more of how Natasha became Black Widow and more importantly how she broke out and ended up working for SHIELD eventually.

If that's the direction - and it looks that way - we'll probably also get to see her come into contact with Bucky (as the Winter Soldier), who was presumably involved in her training. Hence her saying he should have reecognised her in Civil War. It'd still be her movie, but that would be the right sort of supporting role to introduce. Hawkeye maybe too, if enough people still care.


Kevin Feige has said they're working on making it happen, though there isn't really a concrete confirmation just yet. The fact that Marvel are looking at directors (with Feige and Scarlet Johansson meeting candidates) suggests the wheels are firmly in motion and real announcements will come in the wake of Avengers 4.

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MCU Avengers 4
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