Predicting The Rotten Tomatoes Scores For Every Upcoming Superhero Movie

11. X-Men: Dark Phoenix (61%)

X-Men Apocalypse Jean Grey
20th Century Fox

Release Date: November 2, 2018

Predicted Critical Consensus: "The X-Men series' perennially talented cast props up another decent but underwhelming entry into the franchise, one that only semi-successfully adapts the beloved Dark Phoenix Saga."

After the wholly disappointing X-Men: Apocalypse last year, the core franchise certainly has some making up to do, and adapting the much-loved Dark Phoenix Saga is absolutely a great way to do it.

However, there are just so many question marks surrounding the production, namely the fact that Sophie Turner can't sustain an American accent to save her life, franchise writer-producer Simon Kinberg will be taking up the director's chair for the first time, and there's still no guarantee that Jennifer Lawrence will actually be compelled to care this time around.

Much like Venom, mixed reviews is a safe bet. Perhaps it'll be slightly better than Apocalypse, but it's best to be wary for the time being, especially with the absence of Brian Singer.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.