Predicting The Rotten Tomatoes Scores For Every Upcoming Superhero Movie

4. Justice League 2 (58%)

Justice League Darkseid
Warner Bros/DC

Release Date: TBA

Predicted Critical Consensus: "Though the Justice League's showdown with Darkseid is an undeniably mixed bag, Justice League 2 at least boasts enough charm from its cast and big-scale action to satisfy all but the most hardcore fans."

Justice League 2's success may depend on whether or not Joss Whedon can be convinced to stick around and help work with Zack Snyder on it as he's currently doing on the first movie.

It's easy to imagine Snyder not pulling in the same quality of work on his own, but if Whedon is roped back in with a dumptruck full of cash, then there's a strong chance the film scores broad acclaim.

It's all conjecture to a point considering that the first Justice League film remains sight unseen, and naturally there's plenty of worry over a probably-CGI Darkseid and the emergence of the Green Lantern Corps.

At the same time, though, if the first film successfully completes Wonder Woman's tonal course-correction, Justice League 2 could be a solid success. It's extremely hard to call this one, so it's sensible to keep your expectations somewhere in the middle.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.