Predicting The Rotten Tomatoes Scores For Every Upcoming Superhero Movie

3. Batgirl (76%)

Batgirl Joss Whedon
DC Comics

Release Date: TBA

Predicted Critical Consensus: "Joss Whedon characteristically delivers a light-hearted dose of fun with this first-pumping, fast-paced love letter to one of the DC Universe's most unsung superheroes."

Forget the inherently cringey quality of the name "Batgirl" and there is a ton of potential here for a highly entertaining origin story.

For starters, Joss Whedon is serving as writer-director-producer and he's got a terrific history of writing excellent female characters, plus he'll reportedly follow the acclaimed Barbara Gordon arc from The New 52, but naturally with his own spin, of course.

Casting will definitely be interesting, but this really seems like a passion project for Whedon, so it's hard to bet against him.

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The Batman
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.