Predicting The Rotten Tomatoes Scores For Every Upcoming Superhero Movie

2. The Flash (84%)

Justice League Flash Lunge
Warner Bros.

Release Date: TBA 2020

Predicted Critical Consensus: "Ezra Miller's charismatic performance papers over The Flash's more familiar elements, ensuring it's a witty, fun and action-packed addition to the DC Extended Universe."

The Flash's solo movie has had a troubled production beyond all doubt, what with Dope helmer Rick Famuyiwa bailing from the director's chair late last year, and Warner Bros. struggling to secure a director ever since.

That said, it's looking increasingly likely that Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who wrote the movie's original story treatment, will take up the mantle after their acrimonious departure from the Han Solo movie, and given their history making gold out of highly risky projects that shouldn't work, it's easy to root for them here.

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The Batman
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.