Predicting The Rotten Tomatoes Scores Of 2016's Superhero Movies

7. Deadpool

Comic book fans adored the first trailer for Deadpool, and it's not hard to see why. Everything from the costume to the crass humour and bloody violence were what everyone hoping for an R-Rated take on the character have been praying for since day one, but while they're almost certainly guaranteed to love it, will critics? Deadpool is a very unusual character, and there's a very good chance that his often nonsensical actions - breaking the fourth wall for example - will be lost on them. The Merc with the Mouth's somewhat childish brand of humour might also be a turn off for some. Sure, fans can appreciate Deadpool comparing his scarred face to a testicle with teeth, but it's that kind of thing which is likely to come under fire from the same critics who went on to write think pieces about the "controversial" anal sex joke at the end of Kingsman: The Secret Service. Then there's the violence, That often doesn't sit well with many reviewers, especially as Deadpool's use of it (which is a staple of the character) runs the risk of going over their heads and being dismissed as gratuitous. Throw in Fox's spotty track record and the fact that you have a first time feature director at the helm in Tim Miller, and one impressive trailer alongside a fun marketing campaign guarantees nothing in the long run. It's also easy to predict that Ed Skrein might come under fire as the movie's lead villain given the poor response to his starring turn in The Transporter Refuelled. Ryan Reynolds' performance should help to save Deadpool though, with both him and the movie's faithfulness to the comic books sure to receive a great deal of praise from those with knowledge of the source material. While Deadpool could very well be a surprise critical darling, it's hard to imagine it being as well-made as something like Kingsman or as smart as Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and so it ultimately may end up being shunned because of its strange tone and material which makes it uncomfortable viewing for some. Still, expect the geekier reviewers and Reynolds to save this one from the dreaded "Rotten" certification. Predicted Score: 64%

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.