Predicting The Rotten Tomatoes Scores Of 2016's Superhero Movies

6. Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice is a hard one to call. While Zack Snyder's fans love everything he does (even Sucker Punch), his style has often led to a divisive reaction from critics over the years. As of right now, Batman V Superman very much feels like one of those movies which is either going to be the greatest superhero movie of all-time or a crushing disappointment which fails to do the first meeting between these two DC Comics icons justice (speaking of which, Snyder also ha the difficult task of introducing the Justice League characters Warner Bros. has built their upcoming slate around). The trailers for Man Of Steel fooled us all into thinking that it was basically Superman's Batman Begins, hence why many ended up being disappointed with it. Oh, and you know, David Goyer wrote the damn thing. He's thankfully not involved here, with Argo's Chris Terrio instead taking over screenwriting duties on the insistence of Ben Affleck, an actor it's hard to imagine would sign on to star in this movie if it wasn't looking like a hit, especially now that he's a filmmaker in his own right and has been burned before in this genre with Daredevil. The entire cast of Batman V Superman is made up of some heavy hitters, and any one of them could steal the show, so it's hard to single anyone out as being a weak link right now. The problem if anything is that the cast is too big, and with so many supporting characters and newly introduced heroes, Batman and Superman run the risk of being lost in the shuffle. Then, there's Snyder. I love his work, and while the fight between Superman and General Zod in Man Of Steel was like seeing the comic books come to life, it's possible that Batman V Superman will end up becoming one giant action sequence (especially as it's thought that Batman and Superman will fight twice before uniting with Wonder Woman to take on a mysterious threat who may or may not be Doomsday). If the story does end up being squeezed between action set piece after action set piece, it's easy to image it being a problem for the movie. Batman V Superman has the makings of a great comic book movie, but Snyder's divisive style and the fact that this could suffer from the Iron Man 2 problem of spending too much time world building is likely to hold it back from being a critical hit. However, Snyder knowing he needs to deliver something special along with Affleck and Terrio's involvement should help it a lot. Predicted Score: 78%

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.