Predicting The Rotten Tomatoes Scores Of 2016's Superhero Movies

2. Gambit

A lot of comic book fans want to dump all over Gambit simply because of Channing Tatum, but that's unfair. He was highly entertaining in the Jump Street movies and delivered an excellent performance in Foxcatcher, but is he talented and charismatic enough to carry an entire movie about freaking Gambit? Nope. Of the few things I expect to see praised about this one, Tatum's performance is unlikely to be among them, especially if he's using the dodgy Cajun accent heard in recent interviews. He's a total miscast as Gambit, and Jupiter Ascending already proved that unless a part is really well written and he has someone more talented to bounce off, Tatum is lost. Sure, this one sounds good on the surface, especially as Gambit creator Chris Claremont wrote a treatment. Unfortunitely, the problem there is that his recent comic book work hasn't been all that great, and there's absolutely nothing to say Josh Zetumer's screenplay made good use of that anyway. Throw in Rupert Wyatt's departure because of creative differences with Fox, and this is sounding like a cross between X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Fantastic Four. If recent reports about Edge Of Tomorrow's Doug Liman taking the helm are true, I'd be tempted to double the score below, but I just don't don't see it happening. Gambit is scraping the barrel when it comes to which X-Men characters should be starring in their own movies (not many of them), and it's a struggle to believe Fox has come up with a story anywhere near compelling and impressive enough to make this a surprise hit with critics. Fox being Fox also means that a stream of unnecessary cameos are probably inevitable so fans have something to "Ooh" and "Ahh" over in the trailer, and even at this early stage, this has all the makings of a comic book movie which is going to be torn apart. Predicted Score: 34%

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.