Prometheus: 5 Things We Want To See In A Sequel

5. More Shaw and David

One of Prometheus€™s towering strengths was the set of fantastically accomplished performances from Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender. Rapace€™s emotionally supercharged performance as she went to hell and back in the second half of the movie provided the emotional fulcrum on which much of the film's intense drama hinged, and I felt Shaw's anguish and tremendous pain as her world- spiritual and physical- crumbled into pieces around her. Also, Fassbender€™s wonderful but unnerving portrayal of the android David, which melded child-like innocence and naivety with a devilishly all-too-human desire to test the limits of the rules imposed upon him, provided the start-point for all the movie's questions concerning existence and the elusive nature of the soul. Even though David€™s acts contribute to the tumultuous series of events that envelop the crew, we still find ourselves rooting for him. Prometheus has attracted criticism for its threadbare characters, but it's good news for the sequel that its most interesting and developed characters are alive at the end of the movie. I was very happy that it would be David (or his head at least!) accompanying Doctor Shaw on her planned trip to the Engineer home-world. I think it's highly likely that David, who represents the pinnacle of human creativity and stems from mankind's own miniature echo of the Engineer's act of creation, will form a key plot point in the sequel... as our creators either admire or chastise us for daring to mirror what they have achieved. And so there you have it... the 5 things I desperately want to see in the Prometheus sequel! Do you agree? Follow me on Twitter: @BenjiTaylorWins

Relentless traveller whose writing encompasses music, film, art, literature & history. ASOIAF connoisseur.