Prometheus: 5 Things We Want To See In A Sequel

4. A Tighter Screenplay

For all its gloriously gorgeous 3D visuals and wonderfully wrought alien vistas, Prometheus was burdened by an at times trying screenplay which was riddled with a number of chest-burster sized plot-holes€ The trillion dollar mission, probably the most important scientific endeavour of all time, employed some absurdly dumb individuals- not least the biologist Milburn, who attempted to befriend not only strung-out geologist Fifield but a terrifying alien space-snake! I had to suspend my disbelief at the fact that there had been no prior mission briefing on Earth and that, on a mission to engage extraterrestrials, there was no pre-established protocol on what to do if the crew actually encountered any extraterrestrials... Also the fact that the spaceship just happened to materialise at the one place on LV-223 that hosted the sole surviving Engineer was implausible. The most glaring plot issue for me though was the fact that CEO-in-waiting and presumed business whizz-kid Meredith Vickers couldn€™t work out that, if she had run several metres to the right when the Engineer€™s spacecraft was falling down around her, she would probably still be alive. It amazes me that Ridley and his team did not pick up on some of these glaring plot deficiencies. In some cases a few lines of exposition could have tidied things up, and hopefully a future cut of the film will bandage over some of these issues. Nevertheless, let's hope and pray to our space-jockey creators that the producers of the sequel come up with a tighter plot and screenplay the first time round!

Relentless traveller whose writing encompasses music, film, art, literature & history. ASOIAF connoisseur.