Quentin Tarantino Vs. Robert Rodriguez: Which Filmmaker Is Best?

Final Round: Best Writer


Tarantino is known for his skill with a pen and a blank piece of paper as much as he is known for his skill with a camera. Either when watching one of his films, or if like me you tend to also read the actual scripts as well, it is evident that regardless of the quality or popularity of the film, Tarantino is a supremely talented writer who gives so much heart and effort into every single one of his films.

His worlds have depth and history, his characters are unique, eccentric and have multiple layers, and he can create scenes with extremely dark humour, as well as atmosphere and tension. Though it is a crime that Tarantino has never really be rewarded for his talents as a director, I can at least take solace that he has been awarded by The Academy, The Golden Globes and BAFTA for his scriptwriting talents.

Rodriguez's films are more well-known for their visual flare and how much Rodriguez can put on screen in terms of action and incredible set pieces, for a relatively low cost. This is not to say that the guy can't write a good script with interesting characters, but it is rather evident that Rodriguez likes to be behind a camera whilst filming fight scenes, shoot outs and explosions, rather than being stuck at a desk writing deep and emotional dialogue.

When I go and see a Tarantino film, I want and expect violence but also a fast-paced and in-depth narrative. When I go and see a Rodriguez film, I obviously want to watch a film with an intriguing plot and engaging characters, but I more so wish to see ridiculously fun things such as a character called Sex Machine with a penis-shaped gun as well as a stripper with a gun instead of a leg. I do not wish to disrespect Rodriguez, as he is a writer/director as much as Tarantino is, however as I have stated, it is the visual flare and craziness of Rodriguez that I like.

For that reason, as well as the fact that Tarantino truly deserves his two Oscar wins for Best Original Screenplay, the winner of this round is Tarantino. That means, that with 4 wins to 3, the winner is...


Massive Pop Culture fan with aspirations of one day ruling the world. When I grow up I want to be Don Draper, Jack Sparrow, Han Solo and Tyler Durden all rolled into one. Follow me on Twitter @JoeMcFarlane3 and check out my blog; http://popcultureaddicts.wordpress.com/