9. Tarantino Is Bringing Back His Usual Suspects...
At this point Quentin Tarantino has formed his own little repertory company of recurring actors he uses in most of his movies. He's built up a stellar line up of actors who are suited to his sensibility, to the way he directs, and the rapid-fire, literate dialogue he crafts. So of course he's bringing most of his usual suspects back for The Hateful Eight. His BFF Samuel L Jackson appears as Major Marquis Warren, a black former union soldier turned infamous bounty hunter; Kurt Russell, last seen as psychotic Stuntman Mike in Death Proof, is another bounty hunter; Tim Roth, who's not been around since Pulp Fiction, plays a hangman; and Michael Madsen returns someone nicknamed "The Cow Puncher". It's cool that Roth and Madsen are returning after a while away, but Tarantino doesn't forget his new friends either. Zoe Bell, who graduated from Uma Thurman's stunt double in Kill Bill to star of Death Proof, has another big part, and Walton Goggins who debuted in Django plays a southern renegade who claims to be a towns new Sheriff.
Tom Baker
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/
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