Ranking 10 Best Cinematographers Working Today

5. Hoyte van Hoytema

1917 George McKay
Warner Bros.

Hoyte van Hoytema's low-key lighting fully immerses characters into the film's world without it obstructing them. As a result, he is able to frame tender stories and moments within grand blockbuster canvases, ensuring that the intimacy is never lost in the frenzy of large-scale action.

His work on recent blockbusters and prestigious fare has enabled him to work with the likes of Christopher Nolan, Sam Mendes, and David O. Russell, imbuing their work with a sense of heightened reality. This can be seen in his tentpole films such as Interstellar, Ad Astra, and Spectre.

These films are not as VFX-heavy as their peers, and he takes advantage of this to shoot as much practical footage as possible. This gives the images a tangible texture that is easier to believe in compared to more digital effects-heavy work. His lighting technique is both lifelike and softened, giving the imagery in his films an authentic yet slightly ethereal feel.

Van Hoytema's career is relatively new compared to some of his contemporaries, but he is already racking up incredible prestige and awards recognition, recently being nominated for an Academy Award for his work on Dunkirk.

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