Ranking 10 Best Cinematographers Working Today

6. Matthew Libatique

1917 George McKay
Fox Searchlight

Matthew Libatique's style is very kinetic but never falls into full blown chaos as his visual sensibilities convey raw and natural emotion in an elegant yet unsettling matter. Such stylistic choices have made him an excellent choice to photograph films with strange and/or visceral subject matter.

He has worked with the likes of Jon Favreau, Bradley Cooper, Spike Lee and his fellow AFI Conservatory alum Darren Aronofosky. The latter's work in particular has seen Libatique's visual capabilities reach their peak in films such as Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain, and his Academy Award nominated work on Black Swan.

He is one of the few directors on this list that has actively engaged in the world of music videos, and this undoubtedly played a role in shaping his visual sensibilities.

The films he photographs feature handheld camera work, striking colour palettes and atmospheric lighting, traits that convey these films' weighty themes and dark subject matter. The constantly moving camera immerses audiences into the story and gives an already dynamic film an extra boost of energy.

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