Ranking: 10 Highest-Grossing Horror Movie Franchises

9. Underworld ($539.6 Million)

Kate Beckinsale Underworld
Screen Gems

Underworld is a franchise built around one thing: Kate Beckinsale killing things clad in tight PVC. Nobody comes to these movies for tight plotting or nuanced characters, but to see a beautiful woman kick vampire and werewolf a**.

Though the series is a more modest success than most on this list, it's been plodding along for almost 15 years, and with a sixth film currently in development, is showing no sign of stopping.

Best Movie: The 2003 original, hands down. It's still rife with scripting issues, but at least the mythology felt relatively fresh at this point, and the action sequences were deftly shot by Len Wiseman.

Worst Movie: The fourth film, Awakening, has the sort of title you'd expect from a straight-to-DVD movie sequel and a stamina-sappingly dull screenplay to match. Nothing to see here.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.