Ranking All The Alien & Predator Movies, From Worst To Best
5. Predator 2 (1990)

Long considered a vastly inferior follow-up to the Arnie classic, over time a justified cult reputation has emerged for this barmy high-voltage piece of 80s action cheese - they certainly don't make them like they used to.
Trading the South American jungle for a grimy urban one, the movie is set in a dystopian LA in the midst of a gory drug war. Predator comes to town and rogue cop Danny Glover is the only man to take him down.
The film has a different flavour than the first, with it turning the focus on the 'renegade cop' sub-genre instead. It carries an off-kilter dark humour more in synch with Robocop or Frank Miller's period output.
Glover is weirdly miscast in a role better suited for a Lundgren-type, regardless he brings chops and depth to a fairly one-note character. Even if his haggard physique is not believable in a fist fight with the alien, he delivers his one-liners and pathos with aplomb.
It's a fairly shallow movie compared to the first; it blatantly wants to deliver as much gore, cheap thrills and bombastic action as possible. But you know what? It ticks all those boxes suitably well.