Ranking April 2018's Movies From Worst To Best

Dread it. Run from it. Disney still arrives.

Infinity War Thanos

April is typically the month of the year where summer blockbuster season enters full swing, and Marvel Studios alone ensured that this year was no exception.

Though the release of the indefatigable Avengers: Infinity War sent many other blockbusters running scared for new release dates - hence why this April only saw the release of two card-carrying tentpole movies - it nevertheless signalled that the "fun" part of the movie calendar has arrived, where studios trot out as many genre films as cinemas can possibly hold.

Outside of the blockbuster sphere, this past month saw horror movies performing especially well, while due to Infinity War clearing a huge path in front of it, many of April's best movies were actually available on home streaming services, namely Netflix.

Whether you sprung for big-budget fare or opted for something a little more low-key, there were surprisingly few bad movies released this past month, and those movies that sucked? You surely saw them coming.

As for what May holds? Deadpool 2 and Solo: A Star Wars Story are sure to annihilate the box office, while Amy Schumer and Melissa McCarthy serve up new studio comedies with I Feel Pretty and Life of the Party, Charlize Theron reunites with Jason Reitman for the acclaimed Tully, and we get a sequel to The Strangers that nobody asked for. Fun...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.