Ranking Colin Farrell's 10 Best Movie Performances

7. Horrible Bosses - Bobby Pellitt

Colin Farrellin Bruges
Warner Bros

For obvious reasons, Farrell has spent plenty of his career playing confident, macho individuals. In thoroughly solid 2011 comedy Horrible Bosses, he was cast well against type as Bobby Pellitt, the oafish, drug addled idiot who becomes Jason Sudekis’ boss following the sudden death of his father.

Farrell got to contribute to the build and biography of his character here, and his commitment shows. Under a ridiculous beard/combover combo and prosthetic potbelly, he’s free to run wild with a grotesque caricature of a bad manager, master of his own tiny domain and all too eager to wield his power.

Bobby is a bitter, coke-addled nightmare, one of the more detailed and layered performances in the picture. He boasts of his karate expertise, breaking off mid-sentence to throw wild chops. He points to an imaginary watch when chastising Sudekis for being late to work (due to attending Bobby’s father’s funeral).

Few actors have played as many variations of man-child as Farrell, and he manages to make each one a little different. Here, he’s nasty, bitter, and very funny with it.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)