Ranking: Every Batman Movie Final Battle From Worst To Best

6. Batman: The Movie (1966)

Batman Finale

Though most modern audiences might disregard Adam West's 1966 Batman as a cornball relic of a less cynical time, it actually holds up surprisingly well, and many people forget it's actually hilariously self-aware.

The 1966 camp classic sees Batman (West) and Robin (Burt Ward) attempting to recover the members of the United World Organization's Security Council, who have been "dehydrated" into dust by The Joker (Cesar Romero), The Riddler (Frank Gorshin), The Penguin (Burgess Meredith) and Catwoman (Lee Meriwether).

What the final assault on The Penguin's submarine lacks in technical complexity and lavish production design, it more than compensates with its sheer fun factor, not to mention the outrageously entertaining performances from just about everyone on-screen.

Extra points for Catwoman throwing an actual cat at Batman, which he continues to hold while fighting nameless goons, before throwing it onto a conveniently-placed dinghy nearby, and an impromptu fencing match between the Caped Crusader and The Penguin.

It's probably harmless to a fault because the villains get defeated by just being knocked into the water, but it never forgets to put fun first, and in that regard, shames the more stylistically accomplished Schumacher movies and even BvS. It knows exactly what it is and delivers accordingly.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.