Ranking Every Christopher Nolan Film From Worst To Best

6. Inception

chris nolan kenneth branagh
Warner Bros.

Not only is Inception Christopher Nolan's most ambitious movie, it's also a concept no other filmmaker could have pulled off.

Seriously, another director would have been dragged out of the studio by security as soon as the term 'dream within a dream' was uttered during the pitching process.

Although at times convoluted, Inception is a work of great originality and its mind-bending, city-shifting effects go down in history as some of the most stunning CGI sequences ever laid down on celluloid.

For all of its flash special effects, the film has Leonardo DiCaprio’s Cobb to raise its emotional stakes when required and his supporting cast of Ellen Page, Tom Hardy and Marion Cotillard do their bit to make the dream become reality.

Many have called on Nolan to make a James Bond movie and deconstruct the spy-thriller genre in his own unique way. Watch Inception's snowboard scene again and tell us he hasn't already done that.


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