Ranking Every Christopher Nolan Film From Worst To Best

3. The Prestige

chris nolan kenneth branagh
Warner Bros.

Some interpret The Prestige as an almost-biographical project for Christopher Nolan.

Take Michael Caine's description of what makes a good magic trick in the opening scene: "The pledge, the turn and the prestige".

Anyone who knows the filmmaker's body of work will be aware of what he sets out to achieve, with many of his bold set pieces and plot twists designed to render the audience stunned, if only for a glorious, fleeting moment.

The Prestige deals with themes of obsession, ambition and sacrifice, matters which Nolan has carried across into many of his subsequent projects.

The film's examination of this subject matter always rings true thanks to solid performances from Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale as its two warring magicians, who come across as both endearing and creepy in their obsession with each other.

Plus it also has the late David Bowie playing Nikola Tesla. What else could you want from a movie?


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