Ranking Every Christopher Nolan Protagonist From Worst To Best

7. The Young Man - Following

Following The Young Man
Momentum Pictures

Nolan's $6,000 1998 debut revolves around a character known only as The Young Man, a struggling writer who becomes obsessed with following people around the streets of London for inspiration.

However, this quickly escalates once he meets a man, Cobb, who wants to use his knack for following people to help him commit robberies, but of course, that's not all.

Though Following is ultimately too short, at just 70 minutes, to get fully invested in the protagonist, and Jeremy Theobald's acting is a little hit-and-miss, this character is still an impressive creation considering the roughshod production, thanks to Nolan's impressively twist-filled narrative.

Yes, he's more naive and less clever than almost all of Nolan's later protagonists, but the clever unfurling of the plot makes it easy to buy into his growing curiosity which, inevitably, has disastrous circumstances at the end.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.