Ranking Every DC Comic Book Movie - From Worst to Best

20. The Return Of Swamp Thing (1989)

Unbelievably, The Return of Swamp Thing is the only DC comic book sequel to be produced that doesn't feature either Batman or Superman. Why is anybody's guess, as this bargain-basement follow-up attempts to go for a knowing, light-hearted comic book comedy but ends up unintentionally hilarious at all the wrong moments. Its difficult to decide which is worse; the acting, the dialogue or the special effects. All three are gloriously terrible in their own right, with Heather Locklear picking up a Razzie Award for Worst Actress thanks to a woeful performance in which she is easily out-acted by her own hair. Seven years after the original the Swamp Thing costume somehow looks even worse, and the only possible way to derive any enjoyment from the movie is the 'so bad its actually kinda funny' method.

19. Steel (1997)

Only four years after his comic book debut, Steel was given the big-screen treatment. Abandoning the character's roots and instead crafting an original story, writer/director Kenneth Johnson still fails to deliver anything more than an overly-sentimental and thoroughly tedious movie, anchored by a wooden performance from Shaquille O'Neal. Shaq is most definitely not an actor, with his natural charisma woefully failing to compensate for his clunky and wooden delivery of the dialogue. A by-the-numbers narrative and on-the-nose social message make this feel more like a TV movie than a feature film, with some half-decent special effects poorly served by some dull action scenes. Steel tanked at the box office and grossed just $1.7m, a little over a tenth of the $16m budget.
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