Ranking Every DC Movie Villain From Worst To Best

18. Ozymandias - Matthew Goode (Watchmen)

DC Villains Updated
Warner Bros.

Despite Zack Snyder's decreasing stock value with comic book movie fans, he did give the genre one of its most entertaining and unique entries in Watchmen. And central to the film's appeal is the haunting idea of a world poised on a nuclear knife edge and a genius who realises the only way to save it is to push it over.

There's a wonderful other-worldiness about Goode's performance as Adrian Veidt - aided by subtly changing accent - and something darkly attractive about his cold, calculating plan that ultimately kills millions for humanity's own good. That's largely because his logic is propped up by the very real fear that our escalating threat to each other will only end when something truly terrifying and truly unifying happens.

Obviously the film ends on a slightly sour note, given that his plan (which he doesn't actually cover as well as he should) is set to be published from Rorschach's diary, but there's still something universally appealing about a villain who seems so logical and so horrifyingly sympathetic.

Watchmen Director's Cut is available to buy from Amazon.

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