Ranking Every DC Movie Villain From Worst To Best

9. Two Face - Aaron Eckhart (The Dark Knight)

DC Villains Updated
Warner Bros. Pictures

Though he's only on screen for a comparatively short amount of time after his explosive, devastating origin, Two Face's bloody rampage in The Dark Knight is wonderfully powerful. He is the Joker's greatest creation (in a way that doesn't compromise the character's status) and he actually benefits from limited screen time.

He's more of a horror villain, thanks in part to incredibly affecting design, and Eckhart's subtle, entirely unhinged performance is not only perfect for the tone, but is also the perfect answer to Heath Ledger's frenzied Joker.

His Two Face offers a different type of insanity to what we'd seen with Tommy Lee Jones (much for the better) and even the comic book Two Face: he's a machine of vengeance, inspired to great acts of super-villainy by his loss. And watching the whirlwind that follows his delightful meeting with the Joker is glorious.

The Dark Knight is available to but from Amazon.

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