Ranking Every DC Movie Villain From Worst To Best

10. Lex Luthor - Kevin Spacey (Superman Returns)

DC Villains Updated
Warner Bros.

Obviously, there's no getting around the fact that Superman Returns is a terrible, terrible film, no matter how many people tell you to go back and rethink it. It's bland, confused and idiotic and Brandon Routh was seemingly cast based solely on his looks.

But even amongst all of that awfulness, Kevin Spacey does what Kevin Spacey does best, offering a snide, charismatic villain with Machiavellian overtones and a penchant for cruelty and the theatrical. His Lex Luthor might not be the definitive version, but the actor clearly has so much fun with the character that it's almost possible to forget how bad the material he is working with is.

In contrast to Eisenberg's Scrappy Do Luthor, Spacey's is conniving, darkly charming and unlikable in a more substantial way. He's not just an annoyance because of how he's performed, he burrows beneath your nail beds with his presence and his villainous essence. It's just a shame he's trapped within such a poor frame.

Superman Returns is available to buy from Amazon.

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