Ranking Every De-aging Movie Effect Ever

1. Michelle Pfeiffer (Ant-Man And The Wasp)

Ant Man And The Wasp Michelle Pfeiffer
Marvel Studios

In the first Ant-Man movie, Michael Douglas got the de-aging treatment for one quick scene at the beginning, marking Marvel's first-ever use of the tech, and it worked pretty wonderfully.

But the real showstopper came in the recently released follow-up, Ant-Man and the Wasp. Once again, the film opens with a flashback that features a de-aged Michael Douglas. And once again, it's fairly impressive. But then, de-aged Michelle Pfeiffer appears and completely steals the scene.

Director Peyton Reed doesn't shy away from giving the audience extended looks at Pfeiffer's CGI face and the results are insane. It is as if the filmmakers traveled back in time themselves and brought Batman Returns-era Michaelle Pfeiffer to the modern day.

Even the performance is all there. With the scene being an emotionally-charged farewell between Pfeiffer and a young Hope, Pfeiffer's face has to do a whole lot of emoting and facial movement, and the effect holds up through it all.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.