Ranking Every Halloween Film From Worst To Best

7. Halloween (2007)

Halloween Kills

Let's face it, no matter which director was given the job of remaking Carpenter's seminal classic, people were going to complain about it.

Rob Zombie may have not been everyone's first choice, but when he got it right, he got it so very right. His decision to focus the film's first half on Michael Myer's childhood certainly took the film in a different direction, but didn't quite stick the landing for the most part - explaining away the mystery of Michael Myers as a run-of-the-mill broken home scenario.

However, when the action moves to the 'Night He Came Home', this film kicks things into high gear and becomes quite the potent thrill-ride. With plenty of messy stabbings and tense moments that really hark back to the better films in the franchise.

Zombie's first foray into the world of Michael Myers is certainly a great film on a technical level, but his usual flaws are on full display here which does put a dampener on the whole thing. To make matters worse, three different cuts of the film exist, each with alternate scenes and endings. Not one version of the film is perfect, but buried in there somewhere is a great movie.

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UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.