Ranking Every Halloween Film From Worst To Best

8. Halloween 5: The Revenge Of Michael Myers

Halloween Kills
Trancas International

The second of the three films in the series' 'Thorn Timeline' and whilst it's nowhere near as baffling as Part 6, it's not a patch on Part 4 - but we'll come to that a little later.

Halloween 5 was rushed into production almost immediately after Halloween 4 made a butt-ton of money at the box-office, and it really does show. The plot is underdeveloped and takes some strange diversions from the previous film.

Instead of following through with Jamie being the killer - as she was implied to be at the end of Part 4 - this film instead states that she now shares a telepathic link with Michael... which ultimately doesn't lead to anything significant happening.

Plot misgivings aside, this is the most 'routine' Halloween entry, right down to the highly disposable cast of characters and predictable scares. However, the death scenes have a nice sense of variety, and they're fairly mean-spirited, so there's that.

Save for a few standout moments and scenes - that laundry chute scene alone is worth the price of admission - Halloween 5 is an uneven, derivative and weirdly dull entry in the franchise that saw the signs of fatigue well and truly setting in.

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UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.