Ranking Every Harry Potter & Wizarding World Film Worst To Best

1. Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

harry potter wizarding world
Warner Bros.

And finally, the best of the bunch? It's got to be Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Why? Because it's every single thing we love about Harry Potter combined into one glorious whole.

It's another visually gorgeous, brilliantly acted and endlessly involving fantasy adventure that brilliantly mixes its hysterical comedy and enthralling action sequences with a fascinating, twist-laden and astonishingly powerful story that leads to the single greatest scene in the entire franchise: the final duel between Harry and Voldemort.

With its glorious mixture of laughs, twists, thrills, tears and scares, the film is like a hilarious high-school comedy, a nerve-shreddingly tense, paranoia-laced thriller, an atmospheric Gothic horror flick and an intensely moving coming-of-age drama all in one - yet it never feels tonally disjointed in the least, and offers something for everyone without ever becoming incoherent.

Furthermore, it's the franchise's funniest film, it features what is low-key the most traumatic death of the whole series - that of Cedric Diggory (Robert Pattinson) - and as the midpoint of the whole story, it moves the entire Harry Potter narrative along in incredibly compelling ways.

Seriously, what more could you ask for?

It's still got issues; the pacing is as haphazard as ever and it's the one with "Did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire?!?!" but for the most part, this is a killer fantasy blockbuster and the franchise's finest hour to date.

And, given the way things are going right now, that's unlikely to change anytime soon.

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Harry Potter
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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.