Ranking Every Harry Potter & Wizarding World Film Worst To Best

6. Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

harry potter wizarding world
Warner Bros.

Out of all the Harry Potter films, Order of the Phoenix was the one facing the hardest task. Not only is Order of the Phoenix the longest book of the series, but it's arguably the worst (it's still great, but it does go on a little), so it's impressive that the film still turned out as well as it did.

It suffers quite a bit from uneven pacing and there are two dire subplots regarding Harry learning Occlumency and having his first girlfriend, so it's still not one of the very best HP films but the pros still far outweigh the cons.

After the dark, spectacle-driven nature of the previous instalment, Order takes a refreshingly down-to-earth, character-driven approach and it absolutely works wonders.

Much of the film, with its chemistry-filled friendships, teen romance and wonderful mixture of angst and hilarious comedy, is like a thoroughly entertaining high-school comedy (with magic, of course), and the film also moves the characters along in very compelling ways.

It's a slow-burn which then concludes with an electrifying, devastating final act that delivers wicked spectacle, psychological horror and one of the franchise's most devastating emotional wallops, paying off all that build-up in a brilliant way.

The film also benefits hugely from Imelda Staunton's magnificent villainous performance as Dolores Umbridge, a character so unlikeable she makes Voldemort look like a cuddly bear.

Give this one a rewatch; it's better than you might remember.

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Harry Potter
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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.