Ranking Every Jack Ryan Film Worst To Best

4. The Sum Of All Fears

A Clear And Present Danger Jack Ryan

Ben Affleck was at the height of his early-21st Century movie stardom when he faced the daunting task of stepping into Harrison Ford's shoes as Jack Ryan in The Sum of All Fears, as his predecessor's reluctance to return saw Paramount head down the reboot trail.

The kind of competently-made, polished thriller that was dime-a-dozen during the previous decade, The Sum of All Fears also tried to sneak in some political subtext along with the expected heart-pounding action, and it seemed as though the franchise had been reborn after the movie earned almost $200m at the box office.

However, Affleck's lead performance came in for heavy criticism from some quarters, and the entire endeavor came off a routine big-budget filmmaking, with the workmanlike attitude extending to everything from the script to the direction, and even the supporting players among the cast.

Audiences and critics didn't actively dislike The Sum of All Fears, but they weren't exactly shouting its praises from the rooftops either, with the end result being a Jack Ryan movie that was just okay and nothing more.


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