Ranking EVERY James Bond Henchman From Worst To Best

69. Mr Jones (Dr No, 1962)

Tee Hee James Bond
United Artists

While not the first henchman encountered in James Bond’s debut cinematic adventure, Mr Jones has the pleasure of being the first foe to try their hand at offing 007 - and promptly gets his behind handed to him.

It doesn’t take long for Bond to see through Jones’ flimsy explanation that he’s there to drive 007 to Government House (for starters, Bond is able to quickly confirm that no such car was sent) and from there, we’re simply waiting to see how this unfortunate fellow will be dealt with.

Sure enough, when Bond dupes Mr Jones into stopping in a secluded area and questions him at gunpoint, the ersatz driver initiates fisticuffs. This proves a foolish decision, as he’s no match for 007, unable to land a single blow against the visibly bored Bond.

About the only thing he manages to do right is committing suicide with a cleverly placed cyanide cigarette before he can reveal any damaging information. He abruptly leaves Bond with the venomous last words “To hell with you!”

007 isn't done humiliating him, however; his corpse is left in the car as Bond jokingly asks a stationed guard to make sure he doesn’t get away. Never mind, Mr Jones - at least you tried.

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Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.