Ranking Every James Bond Opening Scene From Worst To Best

19. On Her Majesty's Secret Service

The Spy Who Loved Me

George Lazenby's one and only Bond outing opens not with a bang, but with a whimper. Which is a shame considering how great the rest of On Her Majesty's Secret Service is.

After some brief expository dialogue from the Mi6 team, the opening follows 007 enjoying a midnight drive. Seeing a car pulled over on a nearby beach, Bond stops to investigate, only to find a beautiful woman attempting to drown herself. He races to the rescue, but after successfully saving her life they are attacked by henchman.

The ensuing fight is a strange combination of respectable choreography and awkward attacks (like Bond throwing someone under a rowboat). When the henchman are defeated, Bond notices that the woman has run away. Then he looks directly into the camera and says "this never happened to the other fellow."

Let's begin with the obvious; why have Bond break the fourth wall? I understand that going from Connery to Lazenby was no easy transition, but the producers should've trusted that the fans would accept it. Acknowledging the change so bluntly didn't make the transition any smoother and felt out of place in the film.

Whenever the opening of Secret Service is mentioned the fourth wall break is all anyone talks about. The majority of this scene is so forgettable that everyone fixates on one small, odd moment. With nothing to offer but a strange ending, this opening is one of the worst in the series.

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James Bond
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