Ranking Every Jim Carrey Movie Worst To Best

39. The Sex & Violence Family Hour (1983)

The Sex and Violence Family Hour
Chris Bearde Productions

True to its title, The Sex and Violence Family Hour is an hour-long collision of infantile skits centered around sex, with skits bearing monikers the likes of "The Big Salami", "The Brady Bang," and "Leather And Chains."

Carrey pops up intermittently, providing mild relief between the low-brow humour and plentiful nudity, but beyond his signature mugging there's very little here worth actually seeking out.

Though largely - and understandably - forgotten ever since release, curious parties can subject themselves to the whole thing on YouTube.

38. Rubberface (1981)

Rubberface Jim Carrey
Trimark Pictures

Another film which was re-released on VHS in order to take advantage of Carrey's burgeoning fame, Rubberface - originally called Introducing... Janet - stars the actor as struggling stand-up comedian Tony Maroni.

At just 55 minutes in length this isn't much of a chore to sit through, though Carrey's lack of presence in the first 15-or-so minutes might leave viewers feeling a little fidgety.

Carrey gets some intermittently amusing moments, but the aggressively low-budget production values and wonky performances are pretty brutal at times.

Given that the film's incredibly tough to come across these days, you'll probably need to settle for this grotty VHS rip posted to YouTube.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.