Ranking Every Jim Carrey Movie Worst To Best

37. Pink Cadillac (1989)

Pink Cadillac Jim Carrey
Warner Bros.

It certainly wouldn't be accurate to call Pink Cadillac a Jim Carrey Movie given that his screen time amounts to less than a hot minute, appearing as an obnoxious, Elvis-impersonating stand-up comedian. Listen closely, though, and you'll hear him quip, "Alrighty then!"

Pink Cadillac is actually a Clint Eastwood-starring action-comedy, and a pretty forgettable one at that.

Despite Eastwood playing a master of disguise hunting down a gang of white supremacists, this is somehow not particularly exciting or funny, and amid the man's many great films over the years has largely been left to the dust.

It was curiously the second collaboration between Eastwood and Carrey inside of a single year, though, given Carrey's prior appearance in the final Dirty Harry film, The Dead Pool (which we'll get to soon).

36. Kick-Ass 2 (2013)

Kick Ass 2
Universal Pictures

This sequel to Matthew Vaughn's cult classic superhero comedy Kick-Ass came and went with barely a peep in 2013.

Though Carrey actually gives a thoroughly entertaining performance as the demented Colonel Stars and Stripes, his involvement is largely overshadowed by the fact he ultimately refused to promote the film due to having a change of heart regarding the film's violent content in light of the Sandy Hook shooting.

Nevertheless, Carrey is one of the few good things in this also-ran sequel that, without the steady hand of writer-director Vaughn and his regular co-writer Jane Goldman, basically feels like a straight-to-video Kick-Ass knock-off.

It has its amusingly outrageous moments, but director Jeff Wadlow's wonky action staging robs the pic of much of its potential charm.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.