Ranking Every Jim Carrey Movie Worst To Best

35. Once Bitten (1985)

Once Bitten Jim Carrey
The Samuel Goldwyn Company

Though widely reviled by critics upon release and largely disappearing into the cinematic ether ever since, this horror-sex comedy at least has the good sense to be enticingly weird.

Carrey stars as a horny high-schooler who gets seduced by a vampire (Lauren Hutton), and while this hits a lot of the typical '80s sex comedy beats, the supernatural blanketing makes it just oddball enough to not totally, uh, suck.

Nobody would call this clever or especially funny, but it has a certain off-kilter charm, and doesn't deserve to hold nearly as obscure a place as it does in Carrey's filmography.

34. Dumb & Dumber To (2014)

Dumb And Dumber To
Universal Pictures

Belated comedy sequels rarely turn out well, though in the case of Dumb and Dumber To, the original cast and crew at least seemed to be returning for the right reasons.

And while this 30-years-later follow-up hardly besmirches the good name of the 1994 original, it still succumbs to several comedy sequel pitfalls - excessively pandering to fans of the original with lazy nostalgia, and scarcely doing enough to justify its existence.

Carrey and co-star Jeff Daniels are at least fully committed to the silliness, and so while hardly a chore to sit through, there isn't much motivation to watch this more than once when you could, you know, just watch the original again.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.