Ranking Every Keanu Reeves Movie Worst To Best

72. Exposed (2016)

Exposed Keanu Reeves
Lionsgate Premiere

Infamously hacked to pieces by Lionsgate in post-production, Exposed was originally entitled "Daughter of God" and a far more philosophical, thoughtful movie compared to the more generic thriller we ended up with - if writer-director Gee Malik Linton is to be believed.

Linton even decided to take the Alan Smithee-esque credit "Declan Dale" due to how egregiously his vision was mangled in the edit, though given that Keanu gives his snooziest performance to date regardless, it's tough to believe either version of the movie would've been much good.

71. Replicas (2018)

Replicas Keanu Reeves
Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures

Despite a significant career resurgence post-John Wick, 2018's straight-to-VOD sci-fi thriller Replicas is nevertheless one of the worst films he's ever put his name to.

Appallingly written and directed, this overbaked, undercooked slice of genre hokum finds Keanu offering all the emotional affect of a cardboard cutout, and co-star Alice Eve isn't much better either.

Despite the mild appeal of the premise - a scientist attempting to bring his dead family back to life - it's mostly just a staid grab-bag of better movies.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.