Ranking Every Keanu Reeves Movie Worst To Best

70. Generation Um... (2012)

Generation Um Keanu Reeves
Phase 4 Films

The only film in Reeves' filmography to score 0% on Rotten Tomatoes, the horrendously-titled Generation Um... is a wonky, self-consciously grim indie drama that gives neither Reeves nor his co-stars Adelaide Clemens and Bojana Novakovic much of interest to do.

As much as it feels like a parody of a try-hard low-budget drama, the scene where Keanu voraciously devours a cupcake is as compulsively watchable as it ever gets.

69. The Watcher (2000)

Keanue Reeves The Watcher
Universal Pictures

There's perhaps no greater testament to Keanu Reeves being a "nice guy" than the fact that he was duped into appearing in this thoroughly naff 2000 thriller after a "friend" forged his signature on a contract.

Rather than take the dispute to court, he simply agreed to carry out his duties, on the agreement that his presence would be downplayed in the movie's marketing and he'd receive greater profit participation for keeping quiet about it all for 12 months.

The role netted him his fourth Razzie nomination, yet Reeves' soporific performance isn't really the issue here: it's just an incredibly dull and forgettable movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.