Ranking Every Major Female MCU Character From Worst To Best

14. Maya Hansen (Rebecca Hall)

Jane Foster Thor The Dark World Peggy Carter Captain America
Marvel Studios

Talk about a character who had so much potential, but ultimately ended up being basically an also-ran, all the more frustrating with the brilliant Rebecca Hall playing her.

Maya Hansen is a pivotal-ish piece of Iron Man 3's puzzle as she has past links to both Tony Stark and Aldrich Killian, having created the Extremis tech that was eventually appropriated by Killian. She ends up killed by Killian ahead of the final battle in totally forgettable fashion.

However, it was revealed sometime after the movie's release that Hansen originally had a much larger role and was the film's primary villain, but Marvel executives nixed the idea as they didn't believe action figures of a female villain would sell.

As such, Maya feels a little underdeveloped and oddly unmemorable, even if she does tout plenty of promise as a genius scientist.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.