Ranking Every Marvel Movie Hero From Weakest To Strongest

1. Scarlet Witch

Avengers Endgame Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

Scarlet Witch is the strongest of all the MCU heroes.

Wanda Maximoff and her brother, Pietro, were experimented on by Hydra. Using the power of the Mind Stone, it unlocked Wanda's true potential for power. Her powers grant her telekinetic abilities, psionic bolts, blasts, waves and force field control. In WandaVision, Scarlet Witch has been shown at her strongest, capable of creating matter and mind controlling an entire town without any effort.

Wanda was able to defeat Agatha Harkness, an ancient witch who was hundreds of years old and specialised in stealing magic. Harkness has studied magic much longer than other magic user in the MCU and she stated Scarlet Witch possessed natural chaos magic, its most powerful form.

Harkness also stated that Wanda was already stronger than the Sorcerer Supreme.

A feat of Wanda's natural power comes in WandaVision's final post credit scene, in which she was reading the Darkhold in her astral form while still being conscious and functioning, something Doctor Strange is not even powerful enough to do.

Scarlet Witch is set to join Strange in Doctor Strange: Into The Multiverse of Madness, so fans will be able to see just how her powerful she truly is. Now that she is studying the ancient magical book, the Darkhold, it will most likely unlock a level of power fans have never seen before.

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Avengers Infinity War Avengers Endgame
Marvel Studios

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