Ranking: Every MCU Final Battle From Worst To Best
2. Captain America & Bucky Vs. Iron Man (Captain America: Civil War)

The actual fight here isn't that long, but it's loaded with more emotion and character-building than any other battle in the MCU.
The desolate setting, the revelation about Tony's parents, the efficiency of Zemo's plan: it all adds up to set an epic stage and plausible reason for Iron Man and Cap to fight.
Tony's determination to kill Bucky is perfectly braced against Cap's desire to save his friend, and to see the two heroes wailing on one another with so much brutality is quite the sight to see.
Highlights include Cap and Bucky double-teaming Iron Man, Bucky's arm getting blasted off, Iron Man beating the snot out of Cap, and Cap damn-near killing Iron Man with his shield.
Rating: It's as visceral as any fight in the MCU, and makes the most of its fairly short length, even if the airport fight is naturally the real centerpiece of Civil War. 8/10