Ranking Every Stan Lee Marvel Movie Cameo From Worst To Best

5. Willie Lumpkin - The Fantastic Four

Just because a film isn't any good certainly doesn't mean the Stan Lee cameo can't be awesome. There's more examples of that to come, but first let's look at Fantastic Four. The film itself didn't really get the source all that well, updating the scientifically inaccurate origin to something even more outlandish and cheapening all the character's personalities, particularly that of villain Doctor Doom. It did, however, get one thing right; Willie Lumpkin. The team's postman, he started out as a separate creation who Lee and Jack Kirby brought into their superhero team. A kind-hearted character who recurred quite a bit in the comics, he pops up half-way through the film likeably played by, of course, Stan Lee. Here's hoping he reprises the role in the reboot. This is the only time Lee has played an actual character he created, which is incredibly noteworthy. It's just a shame he didn't have double initials.

4. Man In Times Square - Spider-Man 3

By the time Spider-Man 3 came out audiences were wizening up to the cameos; no longer were they just winks for comic book fans. So in an upgrade from blink-and-you-miss-them moments of heroics in the first two films, in the threequel Lee got a proper showcase. When Peter discovers his superhero alter-ego is going to get the Key to the City, a random passerby stops by and muses "You know, I guess one person can make a difference." With the slow music and an almost bashful Peter struggling for words it's one the most poigniant Stan Lee cameos. The whole thing is topped off by the utterance of Lee's catchphrase "'Nuff said". Originating from his monthly column in the comics, the line is almost as iconic as Lee's other favourite quote, excelsior. You could argue the whole thing's painfully obvious and incredibly sentimental, but that's being way too cynical. It almost breaks down the fourth wall, but ultimately acts as recognition of the prevalence of superhero films. It's just a shame it was in such a disappointing movie.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.