Ranking Every Stan Lee Marvel Movie Cameo From Worst To Best

7. Milwaukee Man Drinking From Bottle - The Incredible Hulk

While there's plenty of funny Stan Lee cameos, few make any effort to have them work within the plot. Hats off then to Louis Leterrier for what he did in The Incredible Hulk. When some of Bruce Banner's gamma-induced blood gets in a bottle at the factory where he works it leads to a potentially deadly mocktail, ultimately drank by Stan Lee's Wisconsin resident. It's got the usual eye-wink recognition, but also kicks the story into gear; this is how the army know where Banner's hiding out.

6. 'Stan Lee' - Iron Man

In the scene Iron Man 2 failed miserably to emulate a character, credited as the real Stan Lee, is mistaken for someone else. And not just any old someone; thanks to a velvet gown and a entourage of much younger ladies Tony thinks it's actually Hugh Hefner. Offhand delivery from Downey Jr. and a great face-pull from Lee make this the best cameo from the Iron Man films. There was an extended take where Lee and Stark have a quick exchange about the misunderstanding, although a longer joke could have ruined the magic.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.