Ranking Every Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Film Worst To Best

5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Paramount Home Entertainment

A sequel to the 2014 reboot, this movie tried to give fans more of what was lacking from the previous film entry. However, instead of these new changes elevating the movie, they mostly just come off as pandering and misguided. Much like Ninja Turtles 3 before it, this film failed so miserably it has put the franchise indefinitely on ice.

Fan favorite characters from the 1987 cartoon series like Krang, Bebop, and Rocksteady were all introduced, but just adding characters wasn't enough to save this film from its spectacular mediocrity. Out of the Shadows relies on unconvincing CGI visuals instead of adding more in depth characterizations.

What enhances this movie over its predecessor was changing the focus to the Turtles themselves. In the 2014 film, the story followed April O'Neil as the point of view character. Since nobody comes to a Ninja Turtles movie to focus on April, this change gives Out of the Shadows a more watchable quality.

Like the 2014 movie, Out of the Shadows is full of plot points that go nowhere with characters that display astounding stupidity. Instead of having the Turtles fight Shredder, who was in the entire movie, he is frozen to be set aside for a planned sequel. Any kind of follow up movie is unlikely to ever happen after its critical and commercial failure.


Comic book store owner, podcaster, and cheese enthusiast