Ranking Freddy Krueger's Deaths Worst To Best

7. Evil Will Look Upon Itself... - A Nightmare On Elm Street: The Dream Master (1988)

Freddy Krueger On Fire
New Line Cinema

The Dream Master is the fourth instalment in the Nightmare on Elm Street series and is set a year after the events of Dream Warriors (more on that later), released just a year earlier in 1987. Following the story of final girl Kristen from Dream Warriors as she once again faces off against Freddy, Dream Master marks an important shift in the tone of the franchise on the whole.

While it's common for horror movie villains to slowly become the series' heroes as their franchises power on, Dream Master really kicks that trend into next gear with Freddy. Renny Harlin, director of the film, had said he wanted Freddy to be the James Bond of the horror world, and Dream Master really is Krueger's film, with the savage serial killer now performing more as a ringmaster presenting his vast array of freak shows.

Freddy's death in Dream Master was also something new to the horror world. Our final girl for the finale of the film is Alice, Kristen's best friend, and she finds herself up against Krueger in the set of a large church with her boyfriend, Dan. Remembering a nursery rhyme about The Dream Master, Alice recites it to Freddy, forcing him to check himself out in the nearby mirror.

Big mistake. Freddy is pulled apart by the souls of all his victims, leaving an empty bundle of clothes where our wisecracking villain once stood.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.